Wednesday, June 1, 2011

2011 Pasture Walks

It's a beautiful day and there is no better way to learn about grazing management in action.  Looking at plant swards, getting down on your knees to check for worm holes, listening to the cows munch and the good questions fly.

When people ask for help with grazing, we do have a lot of answers, but it's tough to prescribe the "right" answer for any farm.  That's why getting out to events and workshops with other farmers can be just the ticket.  New ideas & information, research studies and time-tested experience all come together in a swirl of synergy.  It's downright poetic.  You should come.  The next event is June 9 in Westfield, VT

Here's the full list (as it develops) of the events we are actively part of, but there are additional events on the NOFA-VT web site. 

Don't hesitate!  The grass is growing and waiting to feed your animals.